Workshops & Series

Peace Mantras series in person & online

October 2, 9, 16, 23 4-5 pm CT at Washburn Meditation Center $50 for series

Peace, or Shanti, mantras are “forest texts,” originally taught and studied in the forests. The purpose of recitation of these mantras was to create a state of mind, to then allow the knowledge of our essential nature to manifest, to be embodied. We will be learning two of these mantras over the course of 4 weeks, along the way learning
some aspects of Veda chanting from traditional wisdom texts of ancient India.

Handouts and audio recordings will be shared to support your practice, as well as replays of each class.

Shraddhā Sūktam -
online series

Spring 2025

A beautiful hymn or sūktam from the Ṛg Veda, recommended as the first sūktam to learn as one embarks upon Veda chanting.  Shraddhā is an attitude of devoted commitment, a key ingredient for any discipline.

Through the traditional “adhyayanam” method, in which the teacher recites/chants a portion of the text once and the students repeat it twice immediately afterward, you will learn these mantras in the Mysore Sampradāya tradition.

Lots of resources will be given, including PDFs, with both the transliteration and the Devanāgarī scripts.  Zoom recordings will be shared, as well as audio recordings for home practice.

It is recommended that you first attend Foundations in Veda Chanting or “12 Gāyatrī Mantra-s with me before attending this series. 

Students may, as homework, submit up to 4 recordings to me for personal feedback.

12 Gayatri Mantras
Veda Chanting

Spring 2025

These 12 Gāyatrī mantras from the Mahānārāyaṇa Upanisat are luminous and concise “short forms” for meditation, prayer and japa.  Addressing various deities, these mantras have long been a part of devotional spiritual practice.  Cast in the 24-syllable Gāyatrī meter, these mantras are accessible to beginning chanters, and also of interest for those who know of the famous Gāyatrī mantra addressed to Savitṛ, otherwise known as the Sāvitrī Mantra.

In this six-week online “applied Sanskrit” course, we will use these mantras, two in each session, as a vehicle to learn some fundamentals of Vedic chanting, with a focus on accurate pronunciation.  No prior chanting experience is required.  Materials will be presented in transliteration, although Devanagari versions will be available.  Through the traditional “adhyayanam” method, in which the teacher recites/chants a portion of the text once and the students repeat it twice immediately afterwards, you will learn these mantras in the Mysore Sampradāya tradition.

Participants will receive audio recordings, handouts and Zoom recordings (which may be kept for two months).

Contact me with questions, and to register: or 920-858-1078.